Thursday, August 29, 2013

13 JAM A380

13 JAM A380- Evelyn Rose

Sejak pegang title "penanam anggur" nie minat m'bc ak tue pun dh hilang..huhu..but lucky me when I read this nvel..sapa kata novel nie juz bhan picisan yg xdea info n xb'guna...well that person had to open their mind n start read novel..(tp kena lar pndy plih jugak)....this novel might be about love tp bwak maksud yg lbih dlm lg...Hello, everyone want a happy ending for every story right, klau tak, xdea lar citer fairy tale tue...huhu...Apa pun org ckp, I'm enjoying...

A few words that I get from this novel:
A good communication is better that a quick sex- so muccccchhhhh trueee...
A good communication is not about you speak to that person,then that person will reply back to you...its more than that...A good communication, is when you spend some times, ur commitment, attention to he/she, so that they can freely express what is in their mind...some people may not realize, when somebody is trying to talk, they know n understand the body language of the receiver whether they are listening or not..same concept are applying when u r texting..that is why there are some people who decide to keep all the "talking stuff" in their mind...It not about the medium or language, it about the person itself, r u ready to bcome a good listener???
sebab itu as a muslim, kita d'galakan b'doa, b'coz that is our way to communicate with Allah, in any way or medium b'coz HE will and still listening to whatever we said...xkesah berapa lama, berapa panjang or berapa lama kita dh xb'doa...HE always be there....

Be aware of our surrounding
Dunia  hr nie yg mana fokus hanya duit n kuasa, dh xdea sapa yg akan peduli pd org lain...kegilaan mengejar duit n kuasa buat manusia lupa pd org sekliling, sila lar tanya pd mrk yg sibuk b'kerja keadaan semasa pasti yea mrk xambik pduli long as dunia dowg ignorant these people...

Love is like drug, once u try, u will be is so beautiful, enjoying, but does it will help u to Jannah or not...Islam s'dr tidak pernah m'haramkan manusia untuk b'kasih sayang sebab Allah sendiri sifat yea Maha Penyayang lg Maha Pengasih, tp mesty lar dlam landasan yg btul, marriage..
read this somewhere
if u love someone, let they go, if they come back for you, then he/she is the person
if they didn't come back, then they are not the one...

kita hanya merancang, tp Allah lagi mengetahui apa yg hambaNya perlukan..
sebaik-baik perancangan adalah dariNya...

I want a true love where happiness didn't stop when i die..i want love that will lead me to Jannah...

Kebahagian bukan disandarkan pada pasangan kita, sebaliknya, sandarkan lar pada Pencipta kita ALLAH SWT, kerana perasaan sayang itu wujud hanya dengan izin-NYA...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

2Bulan 11 Hari@Benum Hill Resort

@3:43 AM
Bila mana insomia dtg melanda, mula lar nk imbau kenangan lama...hehehe...Benum Hill Resort, how I wish to go back to that place much memories created in that place wlupun masa yg ktowg ada sgt lar singkat...wlupun ada rasa tkut pada mula yea, tp ak mmg xsabar nk g sana....mmg b'doa hrp2 dpt msuk plkn pun...pelik kan...hehehe....
budak2 blik ak yg seramai 7 owg (include me)
-- > Heng (nama sebenar Heng Shi Yue, from terangganu) 1st frenz yg ak tegur yg mana smpy abis prog, kiter owg still best frenz...miss her...huhuhu....
--> Huda (how lucky she is, dpt 1kem dgn crush dy aka best frenz dy), well nasib baik lar wktu tue ak xdea lar pikir sgt psal bnda2 nie...wlupun perangai gila2 (coz dpt roomate yg gila2 mcm ak nie) tp tetap kekal watak ustzh dy tue..nasib bail xt'pengaruh...heehehe
---> Pipah (yg nie ak bole ngam sgt2 sebab dy gan ak 2 x 5 jer perangai...hehhee) mcm mana lar xnaik tocang ak kat sana...hehhe...nasib baik skunk dh ayu...hehehe
--> Ayu (mula2 anti skit dgn minah nie coz 'ayu' sgt...but lama2 dh bole ngam lar...dh dduk sama2 tuk 2/11 satu blik plak tue...)
--> Ct (spatut yea, dy yg jd ktua blik, bukan ak coz dy lg matang n bdak2 nie dgr ckit ckp dy dr ak nie yg entah mcm mana bole terlibat...huhuu)
last but not least
--> Nadia (dlm blik tue dia lar yg pling giler2 n mengarut...hehehe...penyeri blik ktowg...hehehe...rasa yea skunk dh kawen  kot...)
Sronok yer kem tue, tiap2 ptg bole lepak kat tasik o kat kdai kop "cuci mata" hehehe....pdahal rupa smua platih sama jea, bulat, hitam yg beza rendah tinggi jer...hehehe...port special ktowg sudah tentu lar tepi tasik depan pgar (strategik tmpt tue coz situ lar laluan utama dining n blik) then dok lepak gan si Tam kat tembok, dgr si Tengku (mamat tunku yg mmg suka skitkan aty) b'gosip plus mengutuk bdak2 kompeni mulut dy jea yg jahat tp aty baik...n xlupa mie skaki perasan...hehehe
Sronok yer kem tue bila ptg2 kacau bdak2 laki joging t'masuk lar si Along...heheh (mentang2 blik sblah jlan raya jer)..nakal kan ktowg nie...hehehe...klau dh "kepala" tunjuk taring, "ekor2" pun ikut sama lar...hehehe...yg pling xtahan bila mana ak wat scene plakon bollywooddok guling2 kat rumput cuma xdea plakon laki jer..hehehe....tue lar active sgt xpsal2 jtuh b'golek..hehehe
Sronok yer kem tue bila sama2 wat sorakan kompeni, especially biler time game..mau hilang suara dibuat time tue lar yg best. 
Sronok yer kem tue, bila pg2 kena kawat...pg2 dh kena pkai half/ bj sukan....lompat bintang 50x, tekan tubi 50x, bangkit tubi 50x n lari 1kem...tue yg time bekfas dh mcm owg kebulur msing2...wlupun penat, hasil yea, wjud lar otot2 perut yg sudah b'tukar lemak skunk nie...hhehehe..xckup pg, sambung ke petang plak...xpsal2 muka dh mcm kena celup gan mnyk itam jer...huhuhu...
Sronok yer kem tue biler dpt bljr kayak (1st time cuba tue) srnok tp penat wa ckp....then ada water confident yg mana ak mmg xconfident coz ak punya life jaket wat hal...huhuhu...then ada camping jugak (wlupun blkg kem jea pun) entah khemah tue dh gaya apa jer aktgk ktowg wat...merasa lar msak guna dpur lilin tue...sedap tak sdap, mkan jea lar apa yg jd...yg xleh tahan biler time thg hari smua g serbu surau semata2 nk tido...hehehe...mmg owg bndar btul lar ktowg smua nie..heheh...wlaubgaimanapun, ats sebab2 tertentu, ktowg t'paksa blik blik msing2 mlm tue jgak...ak pun xsnggup nk tido dlm utan tue mlm tue...hati berat jer...huhu...
Sronok yer kem tue bila kena dera, gara2 failed waktu wira jaya...mahu sesak nafas cheq bila msuk menatang alah nie, yg mmg pasti ak xlepas,monkey ride...xpsal2 kena dera bangkit n latih tubi 50x ptg tue result yer,ktowg dpt tmpt ke-3 klau xslah or 1st...lupa lar...busyuk tue air kat monkey ride...hhuhuhu....xlupa juga kempen derma darah, snggup ak mkan 1 bar cklat smata2 nk naikkan brat bdan (skunk xyah mkan cklat nk tmbh, mmg akan b'tmbh pun), wlupun lepas tang berat tue, part Hg tue plak xlpas...huhuhu....
Yg pasti sronok yer kem tue, biler dpt peluang g khidmat komuniti...yeah!!!1st jea ak dh mengelat, g join grup owg lain..hehehe.gara2 xdea lpas tue xdea dh...tkut kena tgkap jer..huhuhu...ktowg dpt g kg2 skitar,klinik, skul n yg pling xleh lupa kat air terjun (kat situ ada umah mona fendi tp kena naik ats lg)..yg pasti stiap kali khidmat komuniti, mesti rmai berebut kan air cklat xmau soya o teh..masing2 demand...huhuhuhu....
Klau nk citer psal PLKN, mmg pnjg lar post kali, smpy sini jer luahan bdak yg xleh tido nie...huhuhu...klau ada gbr, Insya Allah,akan diupload...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Tiba2 nk letak entry title mcm tue...dh mcm trikh nikah jer...hehehe...blum lg ilah yer.... :P pada tarikh nie ada 2 bnda blaku

1 # mlm td tiba2 jer mimpi abh meninggal...huuhu....beri kesan btul mimpi tue..smpy ak jd paranoid biler tgk abh o mak tido... skunk pun terasa lg "kehilangan" tue...xdpt byangkan klau btul2 jd, mesti tungang-langang hdup ak rasa yer...huhu, even dlm mimpi tue pun ak dh mcm apa jer....wlupun dh mmg lumrah alam yg hdup pasti mati...but still ak xleh byangkan hdup ak tanpa abh o mak...mesti b'beza sgt2....

2# bnda ke-2 yg b'laku...pandai kan ak nie g reject interview kat tmpat tue..wlupun br interview, atlez cuba lar kan...'pandai' tol ko nie ilah oiii!!! rasa menyesal skunk nie, waktu wat xdea plak ko pikir...huhuhuhu.....klau tak skunk nie tinggal tgu result jer...huhu.apa boleh wat, menyesal pun dh xguna...huhuu
