13 JAM A380- Evelyn RoseSejak pegang title "penanam anggur" nie minat m'bc ak tue pun dh hilang..huhu..but lucky me when I read this nvel..sapa kata novel nie juz bhan picisan yg xdea info n xb'guna...well that person had to open their mind n start read novel..(tp kena lar pndy plih jugak)....this novel might be about love tp bwak maksud yg lbih dlm lg...Hello, everyone want a happy ending for every story right, klau tak, xdea lar citer fairy tale tue...huhu...Apa pun org ckp, I'm enjoying...
A few words that I get from this novel:
A good communication is better that a quick sex- so muccccchhhhh trueee...
A good communication is not about you speak to that person,then that person will reply back to you...its more than that...A good communication, is when you spend some times, ur commitment, attention to he/she, so that they can freely express what is in their mind...some people may not realize, when somebody is trying to talk, they know n understand the body language of the receiver whether they are listening or not..same concept are applying when u r texting..that is why there are some people who decide to keep all the "talking stuff" in their mind...It not about the medium or language, it about the person itself, r u ready to bcome a good listener???
sebab itu as a muslim, kita d'galakan b'doa, b'coz that is our way to communicate with Allah, in any way or medium b'coz HE will and still listening to whatever we said...xkesah berapa lama, berapa panjang or berapa lama kita dh xb'doa...HE always be there....
Be aware of our surrounding
Dunia hr nie yg mana fokus hanya duit n kuasa, dh xdea sapa yg akan peduli pd org lain...kegilaan mengejar duit n kuasa buat manusia lupa pd org sekliling, sila lar tanya pd mrk yg sibuk b'kerja keadaan semasa pasti yea mrk xambik pduli long as dunia dowg ignorant these people...
Love is like drug, once u try, u will be is so beautiful, enjoying, but does it will help u to Jannah or not...Islam s'dr tidak pernah m'haramkan manusia untuk b'kasih sayang sebab Allah sendiri sifat yea Maha Penyayang lg Maha Pengasih, tp mesty lar dlam landasan yg btul, marriage..
read this somewhere
if u love someone, let they go, if they come back for you, then he/she is the person
if they didn't come back, then they are not the one...
kita hanya merancang, tp Allah lagi mengetahui apa yg hambaNya perlukan..
sebaik-baik perancangan adalah dariNya...
I want a true love where happiness didn't stop when i die..i want love that will lead me to Jannah...
Kebahagian bukan disandarkan pada pasangan kita, sebaliknya, sandarkan lar pada Pencipta kita ALLAH SWT, kerana perasaan sayang itu wujud hanya dengan izin-NYA...