dh lama xupdate blog ini...masih aktif lg rupe nyer...hampir dua blan laptop nie rosak menyebabkan ak mlas nk update blog nie...so it my time to share something...spanjang cuti xdea yg menarik berlaku juz menghabiskan mase kat umah menonton channel KBS, my favourite channel...
nasib baik cuti nie ade world cup...xdea lar kebosanan ak walaupn team ak kalah but i'm still support u guys....go Germany!!!
stop citer pasal world cup, lgpun dh taw dh result dia sape yg menang wlaupun xlayak...huhuhu...
sem nie mula dgn bnyk benda yg xsernok...mula gan jadual yg asyik b'ubah..hope pasnie xdea lg camtu...tp yg plng xsrnok biler dpt klas kat blok br kat DST...memang sem nie ak bleh menurunkan berat bdan...huhuhu...what ever is it dis is my last sem n i want do the best for this sem n gain a lot of sweet memory while i'm still here...